Sunday, January 31, 2010

First week

My name is Laura and I transferred from the University of Evansville in Indiana. I am from Nashville and have a few friends that attend MTSU, which is one of the reasons I transferred here. My major is German, with a minor in Linguistic Studies, but I really wish MTSU had a major, or at least a minor, in Chinese. I love languages and have taken classes in German, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese.

My first week at MTSU was interesting. My friends helped me find my classes, but when out on my own, I have gotten lost a few times. All my classes are fun and interesting with the exception of Biology, since it's a Gen. Ed. I need and it's mostly a review of stuff I learned in highschool.

I think the 2020 class will be very informative and interesting, but I'm glad it's only once a week.

1 comment:

  1. Laura,

    I am glad to hear the first few weeks have gone well for you. Welcome back to TN! Glad to have you in my class. Let me know if you need anything!

