Monday, February 8, 2010


This past week my allergies had been bad, so I ended up missing some classes. I went home and got better allergy medicine so I should be better now.
Went bowling with friends this weekend too. I had a lot of fun.
Mostly just stayed in, catching up on homework, and playing video games.

I like my Biology lab, though, because one of the girls who I used to go to summer camp with is in it too, and we're definitely going to be lab partners. I never thought that at such a big school I'd be in a class with someone I already knew.

1 comment:

  1. Laura,

    I am glad you are feeling better! Keep in mind that I am looking for more substance for these postings. You are ok for this one!!

    I hope you were able to get caught up in the classes that you missed. If you have any questions or need any guidance, please let me know!

